The athletes of "Team Schmidbauer" stand out with their performance at the 120th German Championships 2020

At this year's German Athletics Championships, the top athletes of the "Team Schmidbauer" of TSV Gräfelfing are satisfied with their results: Johanes Trefz achieved 4th place in the 400 m run with 46.40 seconds, Michael Adolf 5th place in the 400 m hurdles run with 52.30 seconds. Congratulations, well done!

Johannes Trefz ended the season after the German Championships. “It took a lot of energy to fight my way back after a few injuries, so I'm going to check the year off for now. I started the season with a 46.40 seconds. I take it as a good sign to use this time to prepare for the major goals next year and the year after: The Olympic Games 2021 in Tokyo and the 2022 European Championships in Munich.”

All the best, and we will continue to cheer on our "Team Schmidbauer" from TSV Gräfelfing!


Sources: go to minute 5:35


Fotocredits: Claus Habermann